Our Experience : Power Generation

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Cogeneration Plant 2

  • 65MW of Electrical Power
  • 125,000 pph of HP Steam @600 psig/585° F
  • Hot Air(300F) to Plant Process Equipment

The major equipment for this project included an Aeroderivative turbine, 65 MW TEWAC Electric AC Generator, Heat Recovery Steam Generator with 125’ Fully Insulated Exhaust Stack, Deaerator and Storage Tank at elevation 65’ AFF and 2 ea 300hp Boiler Feedwater Pumps. Bates was the General Contractor on the Project responsible for all trades associated with field installation. Bates self-performed all civil and structural engineering along with the following field construction: civil works, concrete foundation systems, structural steel fabrication and erection, erection of 14,000Sf of cogen building with insulated metal panel siding, and pipe support fabrication and erection. Plant was constructed in an existing paper mill between two operating paper machines. The only access to the project was a 22’ wide alley between two buildings. The project was successfully completed with over 200,000 manhours over 13 months and no lost-time injuries.

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