Our Experience : Water / Wastewater

Safety Arrows

Pooler WWTP

  • New 2.5 MGD WWTP for Georgia municipality
  • First time this treatment technology has been used on a public project in Georgia

Bates served as the Prime Contractor for this new 2.5 MGD Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) wastewater treatment facility.  Major work items included influent pump station, headworks including bar screen and grit chamber, equalization basin, 3MM fine screens, MBR structure/building, UV disinfection system, effluent cascade aerator structure, re-use water pump station, 2 each sludge holding tanks, belt press facility, and control/laboratory facility.  To support plant operations, a complex SCADA system was implemented along with an emergency generator/ATS.  Project was the first MBR facility to be constructed for a municipality in Georgia.  Contract also required ½ mile road system built through Georgia coastal wetlands and large box culvert system to traverse canals.  All major structures were founded on driven piles.  In addition to the new plant work, Bates was also responsible for completing re-routing of the influent from the old city treatment facility to the new MBR plant.